Blackjack Tips

Blackjack Tips

In order to play the extremely popular game of Blackjack, it is important to not only master the basic strategy and develop certain skills, but it is also critical to understand the mechanics of the game. This article outlines the basic game play and also some tips and tricks to use when playing Blackjack.

Blackjack Game Play

In order to play the casino version of blackjack, the player must first be seated at a special table that has been designed for the game. This table is semi circular and contains separate sections for up to seven players, although some tables are equipped to seat more people. The player then places his/her wager in the “Betting Area”. All bets must either be equal to or more than the minimum of the table.
Once the player has placed the bet, he/she is dealt two cards facing up and the dealer is dealt two cards, one hole card (which is faced down) and another open card. Based on the two cards that the player holds and the one dealer’s card, the player makes the next decision. This decision can be in the form of a hit, which means taking an additional card, double, which means doubling the initial bet or stand, or staying with the current hand. In case the dealer’s card is an Ace, the player can take insurance, which is a wager on the chances of the dealer holding a blackjack. if the player has two of the same value card, the hand can be split into two and played as two separate hands. These basic rules will help players understand the Blackjack tips better

Blackjack Tips

There are some tips that will help Blackjack players minimize their losses and at the same time increase their chances of winning. These tips however, are not absolute rules and will not necessarily win every time.
The first tip to keep in mind is to always choose a Blackjack table that has a table minimum less than 5% of the player’s total gamble limit. The table choice is very important and it is always a good idea to choose tables that have options that hold an advantage for the player, like doubling down and the dealer being forced to stand when he holds a soft 17.
In case the player’s total is below 17, unless the dealer goes bust, the chance of a player’s win is very low. This means that the player is better off taking a hit in such a situation. This is especially true if the dealer’s card is any value above 8, or if the dealer is not likely to go bust.

The first tip is with regards to splitting. If a player’s hand contains two cards of value 10, it is a better idea not to split the cards, since this way the player’s hand is worth 20 and the chances of a win is high. On the other hand, if the player holds a pair of 8s or a pair of Aces, it is a good idea to split the hand, no matter what card the dealer is holding. In case the dealer’s hand is of equal or lower value, then a pair of sevens must be split. 2s and 3s should be split if the dealer holds a 4, 5 or 6.